Mental Image Analysis & Research on Transcultural People’s Notions of Home / 2021

I have designed/ hosted several therapeutic art workshops for people with multicultural backgrounds. With the support from CBK Rotterdam and Mondriaan fonds, I created several videos of the workshops with which people can access online and create images themselves. I analyzed the images that people created from the online art therapy sessions in order to understand the mental images of transcultural people at a collective level. Furthermore, I transformed the analysis and inspiration from the public participation to make this painting.
Online Art therapy Workshop
During the pandemic, many transcultural people couldn’t go home. Therefore I initiated this project for transcultural people to reflect together on their notions of home. All the workshops were held online. I made short art therapy video’s for people to make drawings at home and at their convenient time. The participants decided if they wanted to share their drawings and reflections on internet. The workshops are designed to give the participants feeling of security and sharing.
Drawings made by the participants

Result of an online questionnaire:
Words related to your transcultural experiences

Visualization of the keywords

With special thanks to the support of: